とな(ぽっちゃり女神 あぷろでぃーて)のヒメログ 2024-07-02 07:34:32


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07/02 -
07/03 14:00-20:00
07/04 17:00-00:00
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気になるあの子の日記帳 ヒメログ

  • 2024-07-02 07:34:32

    我が家のデグーの紹介です Introducing our degu. 



    I've been keeping degus for three years now. I currently have 15 of them."


    "A degu is a small mammal native to South America, belonging to the Chinchillidae family. It resembles a mouse in appearance but is not classified as a mouse, belonging to its own distinct group. Degus are social and intelligent animals, sometimes kept as pets, although they are prohibited in some countries and regions."
