天音 とき(BLENDA V.I.P東京店)のヒメログ 2024-05-02 03:07:28


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本日出勤中 13:00-00:30
07/27 13:00-20:00
07/28 -
07/29 16:00-03:00
07/30 -
07/31 -
08/01 13:00-20:00

気になるあの子の日記帳 ヒメログ

  • 2024-05-02 03:07:28

    ? To Mr. P of this nomination?

    To Mr. P I met today??

    Thank you for making time out of your busy schedule today and coming to see me.

    The reaction was always cute, and I've always been "cute!" Angel!" " I love it!" He told me, so my cheeks were loose.

    And you, who gently asked me because I couldn't speak English, looked like God, to say the least.

    Also, thank you for your next invitation.?

    I'm very, very happy to be with you for 6 hours. ??

    Of course, I had fun today too.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the end of the month!

    From Toki? ? ???

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