灰谷ちい(金瓶梅)のヒメログ 2024-04-13 20:28:58




灰谷ちい (23)

B85(D) W55 H84 T158


空き状況を確認する 空き状況を確認する


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06/28 09:00-00:00
本日出勤中 09:00-22:00
06/30 -
07/01 14:00-00:00
07/02 09:00-00:00
07/03 09:00-00:00
07/04 09:00-19:00

気になるあの子の日記帳 ヒメログ

  • 2024-04-13 20:28:58



    Thank you for comikg to visit today
    and choosing me❣️

    Also thank you for understanding me
    even though my English was bad
    However I was really happy
    that you praised my English
    Please forgive if there are any mistakes
    in this letter

    I'm sorry I couldn't make your feel better⤵️ today.
    You may have been nervous,
    but I think the main reason is fatigue
    I guess travelling by bicycle
    for 13 days must have been tiring

    Please come and visit us again!
    I want to have a revenge

    Be careful when you ride a bicycle
    And have fun!



    Thank you for comikg to visit today
    and choosing me❣️

    Also thank you for understanding me
    even though my English was bad
    Please forgive if there are any mistakes
    in this letter

    I had a very intense and passionate time today❤️‍
    We both sweated a lot
    and it was nice to have a good time

    We were both exhausted after the first xxx
    but if there's a next time, let's have our revenge

    Enjoy the rest of your trip✈️♩


