柳田 ゆきな(カサノヴァ)の2024年10月のヒメログ

カサノヴァ:柳田 ゆきな



柳田 ゆきな (20)

B88(E) W56 H89 T166


空き状況を確認する 空き状況を確認する


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本日出勤中 10:00-20:00
10/18 -
10/19 -
10/20 -
10/21 -
10/22 -
10/23 10:00-20:00

気になるあの子の日記帳 ヒメログ

  • 2024-10-17 15:20:39

    Let my body do the work,

    You dont gotta go to work,明日から火曜日まで女の子の日休暇ですFrom tomorrow until Tuesday, I have a Girls' Day holiday.お休みの間、ディズニーランドに行ってくるよ〜I'm going to Disneyland during the holidays.何年ぶり?!ってくらい久しぶりだからとっても楽しみ• - •̥It's been so long, I can't believe how many years it's been, so I'm really looking forward to it.しばらくお店来れないから今日会いに来てねI won't be able to come to the shop for a while, so come see me today.X(Twitter)▶︎@sa_iko_ououou柳田ゆきなご予約よろしくお願いいたしますI can serve foreigners.For reservations please contact us via DM or phone.


  • 2024-10-16 11:58:55

    And you never felt this type of emotion

    And you never felt this type of emotionやっほ〜( *ˊᵕˋ)ノHELLOご予約様、ありがとうございます♡♡Thank you for your reservation.女の子の日のため、シフト変更されてます• - •̥The shift has been changed due to Girls' DayX(Twitter)▶︎@sa_iko_ououou柳田ゆきなご予約よろしくお願いいたしますI can serve foreigners.For reservations please contact us via DM or phone.


  • 2024-10-14 12:28:58

    Can't you feel my heartbeat fast

    I want this to last今日もたくさんのご予約ありがとうございますThank you for all your reservations today 昨日は撮影に行ってきましたYesterday I went to take a photoお衣装は着物The costume is a kimonoとっても楽しかった〜(;_;)It was a lot of fun可愛すぎて、脱ぎたくない❕って最後喚いてました笑It was so cute I didn't want to take it off写真完成楽しみだなぁっ(ノ)`∨´(ヾ)Looking forward to completing the photoX(Twitter)▶︎@sa_iko_ououou柳田ゆきな ご予約よろしくお願いいたしますI can serve foreigners.For reservations please contact us via DM or phone.


  • 2024-10-11 10:48:41

    Cause every time we touch I get this feeling

    and every time we kiss I swear I could fly もうすぐ10月も半分終わるね October is almost half over 毎日過ぎ去るのが早すぎて、寂しい…(;_;) Every day ends so quickly that I feel lonely そういえば、、日曜日、シフト落としました撮影があったの忘れてたBy the way,Sunday has been changed to a day offI forgot that there was a photo shoot月曜日からまたよろしくお願いいたしますThank you again from MondayX(Twitter)▶︎@sa_iko_ououou柳田ゆきなご予約よろしくお願いいたしますI can serve foreigners.For reservations please contact us via DM or phone.
