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10:00 - 24:00 (JST)

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Tokyo Nightlife Information

Acts and Behaviors Liked By Companions

When you call a companion for play, you definitely want to receive omotenashi from the companion. While the level of service varies girl by girl, there are also acts and behaviors that help you get better treated by the same girl:

1. Cut your nails (including your toes) at least 2 days before.
Your nails may hurt your companion when doing finger job.

2. Shave your beard on the day, but do not shave your body hair.
Your companion may find your bristle prickling when hugging and kissing.

3. Avoid eating food with garlic or green onion, drinking coffee or smoking just before the play.
They create smell in your mouth and let your companion feel bad during kissing.

4. In hot weather if you find your body smelly, take a shower beforehand even if there is another shower with the companion before the play.
You also do not want to stay close with an inhygienic person.

5. Greet with smile, remember and call the companion's name if you made a nomination.
We all feel nervous when talking to someone we meet the first time, not to mention what is going to happen between you and your companion. Showing your kindness helps to break the ice.

6. Not giving desserts or soft drinks without knowing preference of the companion.
Some companions may have allergies to certain food or maybe in diet in order to keep the best body shape when meeting with you. They may not want to consume unnecessary food.

7. Check for STDs regularly.
It is not uncommon that there is no symptoms after infected by bacteria or virus causing STDs. Checking regularly helps you and your companion stay safe while having fun.

8. Repeat nominating the same girl if you find her good.
Repeat nomination shows how you like the companion, this is an encouragemnet for her to keep her service.